Dr. Blackhead Extractions EP:153 โ€“ REMOVAL PIMPLE

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What causes a sebaceous cyst? ย 

Sebaceous cysts are formed within the sebaceous gland, which is the gland which produces sebum. These cysts develop when the hair follicles become clogged due to a build up of sebum or keratin. These cysts can also be formed from pimples or as a result of trauma to the sebaceous glands. Individuals with a genetic predisposition such as steatocystoma multiplex, Gardnerโ€™s syndrome or Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome are also prone to developing sebaceous cysts.

How do you diagnose a sebaceous cyst?

A diagnosis of a sebaceous cyst can be determined by a physical examination of the nodule by a dermatologist, family physician or other healthcare provider. There are occasions when additional testing is required to make a definitive diagnosis of a cyst, since it can sometimes be mistaken for a different type of skin tumor.

Common tests used to diagnosis a sebaceous cyst include:

  • Cat scan โ€“ This test is performed to rule out other abnormalities or cancer.
  • Ultrasound โ€“ This test is performed to establish the contents of the cyst and depth of inflammation.
  • Punch biopsy โ€“ This test is performed to identify the histology of the cyst.
  • Culture and Sensitivity โ€“ This exam is performed to determine the type of bacteria responsible for the infection and the best antibiotic to treat the infection.